Frontend Development is ❤️

shrey vijayvargiya
3 min read5 days ago

GPT makes it more FUN

Photo by Braydon Anderson on Unsplash

I am falling in love with frontend development once again, this time things have changed because my perspective shifts towards writing code that is reusable, good in user experience, creating stunning UIs and one last is to develop it fast.

AI has just made things stunningly easy, like a cakewalk, sometimes I think and design in my mind and simply jot down into words in chatGPT and boom my react code is ready to render inside my project boilerplates.

Using chatGPT I get the basic code to get started easily and most importantly I can see the basic UI arrangements on the web.

This process is important because some of days I need to design on Figma after putting things on the web, because we all know we developers always disappoint the designer’s team so having a demo UI on the web before starting designs is a good way.

It might sound like a bad idea to first create UI and then design but for me as a solo developer and designer at the same time, it works well.

For designing in Figma, I prefer using Tailwind CSS colour palettes to make it easy for me to have the same look in Figma and my browser.

These small habits for development such as using

  • using boilerplates with all libraries installed

